tl;dr - am firmly on the side of unicorns. glitter makes everything better.
Relentlessly pro-color, pro-surprise, pro-diagonals, pro-cheese, and pro-anything margarita-related / Ensemble television shows are my heart medicine / Bravery is important: sometimes I’m a coward, but I’m always working on it / A full Nerd with a capital N / Chris Pine is the best Chris, but I am open to rational debate.
I don't have anything unique or interesting to say about Design with a capital D, but it's a delightful, constantly evolving way to pass the ten minutes of functional cosmological time I’ve been granted. I’m astonished that this is the work I get to do, sometimes even for actual money.
I think wistfully of Trapper Keepers and the Ice Capades and sincerely hope that one day I will have the guts to be irreverent in the 'About' copy.